
Welcome to the Ethical Naturist! This site is devoted to posting historical, philosophical and romantic prose about Ethical Naturism. The goal is to teach what it is, promote how it can enrich one’s life and hopefully inspire some to more fully embrace its principles and practices.

Everything here will be organized around “A Naturist Manifesto” (Follow the tab above). The manifesto summarizes core Naturist principles and values, and each post on the Blog will relate to aspects of it. It is a good idea to read the manifesto before the Blog.

Since the Nudist Movement began in America almost a century ago, a wealth of marvelous books and articles have been published by early pioneers as well as modern and contemporary authors. We have collected much of this work and will choose selections to present on the Blog (along with commentary and original content) that we believe capture the essence of Naturism beautifully and with a timeless quality. Our intent is to celebrate these works and refresh them for a modern audience.

Special mention must go to Stéphane Deschênes, proprietor of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. His highly educational Naturist Living Show podcasts and his characterization of the term “Ethical Naturism” set in motion the research that feeds this site. He is a thought leader in the Movement, and all are encouraged to enjoy and learn from his work. Links are provided in the Links tab above.

It is important to note that one does not need to consider themselves a “Naturist” to get value from this site. There is a spectrum of attitudes that bring a person to adopt free-body culture. If you consider yourself to be a clothes-free enthusiast of any sort or even if you are just someone curious about this life philosophy, there should be pieces here that are of interest to you. What you won’t find here are a lot of naked people pictures; plenty of that can be found elsewhere.

Please enjoy and thank you for coming.