Author Archives: TBarthel

Let the Lizard Sleep

The inner-most layer of the human brain is casually referred to as the Reptilian or Lizard Brain.  It is so called because its key functions are evolutionarily comparable to… well… a lizard.  It manages unconscious actions, such as breathing and hunger, as well as fight or flight survival instincts.  With some help from another layer, called the Limbic Brain, it also activates the sex drive. 

The Lizard Brain is quite powerful and essential to life, but it is also the source of challenging issues that entangle and limit the Nudist/Naturist Movement.  One such issue is that society associates nudity with sex and consequently views social nudism with discomfort and skepticism.  To be fair, a measure of doubt is justified.  Even amongst Nudists themselves, stories are commonplace concerning experiences with creeps, gawkers, voyeurs, social media trolls, indiscreet libertines and so forth.  It is hard to reconcile the joys and benefits Naturists experience, which can be the antithesis of prurience, to the obscene behaviors of some and society’s somewhat justifiable viewpoint.

The reality is that the powerful sex drive of the Lizard Brain is inherent to the human condition and serves a good and useful purpose.  However, it can also cause people to behave in ways that stray from the acceptable norms of civil society.  It is true that nudity does indeed activate the sex drive, but it is also true that mere nudity does not always and everywhere trigger it.  There are many excellent, working examples of social nudism that are wholesome, non-sexual, and family friendly.  The key is that there are other factors, besides the absence of clothing, that play a role in governing whether and when a person experiences nudity as sexual or not.

It so happens that the human brain evolved beyond that of the lizard and developed higher order capabilities.  Outer layers of the brain, such as the neo-cortex, handle processes such as problem solving, social behavior, language, and abstract thinking.  These layers are commonly referred to as the “Rational Brain” and they have allowed us to develop the moral, rules-based cultures that enable civilized society.

In general, our Rational Brains run the show and make different, usually superior decisions than our Lizard Brains would.  When Naturists use terms such as “acceptance” and “respect”, they are referencing higher order principles from the Rational Brain.  Our Lizard Brains, however, are still with us and are ready to engage our most basic instincts.  This means that for everyone there is a set of conditions that will activate their Lizard Brain and perhaps even over-ride their rational self.  For some, the mere thought of a nude human is enough to conjure up powerful erotic desires.  For others, it takes a more particular context, and mere nudity is simply associated with a variety of enjoyable but non-sexual pastimes. 

Nudity can heat things up…                                             or cool things off.  There is a difference!

We believe that cultural conditioning is a key determinant of what activates one person’s Lizard Brain versus another. People who mostly experience nudity in a sexual way or receive messaging to that effect will have nude sensitive Lizard Brains.  Others who often experience a variety of non-sexual nude activities and receive nude normal messaging will have less nude sensitive Lizard Brains.  Importantly, at least as far as Naturism is concerned, this nude sensitivity does not appear to be static or permanent.  One can start out sexually sensitive to nudity, but with the right set of experiences and messaging become less so over time.

Unfortunately, society conditions people from early childhood with messaging that associates the nude body with sex.  These messages range from labeling genitals “private parts” to sexualizing ads for the latest fashions to outright pornography.  While this conditioning may be useful for commercial exploitation or to assert various power relationships, it is not particularly healthy.  A variety of social ills, including harassment, sexual abuse, eating disorders and porn addiction, can be connected in some degree with societal sexualization of the body.  It is therefore no surprise that there are people who act out their sexual impulses in disrespectful or socially dis-functional ways.  Nor is it surprising that descent, textile folks, particularly females, are cautious concerning social nudity.  Their Lizard Brains are tuned in an unfortunate way. 

Experienced Nudists and Naturists, on the other hand, have managed to overcome this conditioning and possess a broader set of normalized nude conditions than most textile people.  They have internalized an understanding that nudity is non-sexual at certain times in certain places.  Their Lizard Brains sleep quietly while they enjoy the company of their family and friends in nude recreation.  It is in this environment that many of the enriching benefits of Naturist life emerge.  Obviously, they still have sex like everyone else, but they rely on other, more precise cues than mere nudity to wake up their Lizard Brains when it is appropriate.

Given all this, a few points can be made concerning the Lizard Brain and its implications for the Nudist/Naturist Movement:

One, by letting the lizard sleep, it is possible for people to engage in social nudism with norms of behavior that are equivalent or superior to those of textile society.  Wholesome Naturist norms may in fact be essential to facilitating the proliferation of Nudist culture so it can reach a critical mass of social acceptance.   Establishing really good clarity on and broad awareness of the places and times where wholesome Naturist norms are present and enforced will be key in this regard.

Two, organizations that promote Naturist values and healthy body culture should be supported.  These include not only national entities (AANR, TNS) but also local clubs and resorts as well as free beach associations.  In this way, right messaging will be continuously disseminated to society at large and safe, controlled settings will be made available to serve both rookie and veteran Naturists in a positive way. 

Three, as individuals we can model sound Naturist values and even evangelize for the Movement.  Practice your Naturism in appropriate settings at appropriate times for the broadest, reasonable set of life activities.  To the degree possible, share your Naturist story and teach these ways to others.  Join a club, become a beach ambassador, or just embody a healthy body culture that models not only letting your lizard sleep but also an ethic of acceptance and respect that is much needed in the world.  If you happen to possess more liberal or unconventional sexual attitudes, that is fine; just contain your tastes behind closed doors while acting perfectly polite and normal in public socially nude settings.

Four, given the structure of the human brain and how it works, there will always be people whose behavior gets misguided by their Lizard Brains.  Naturists must be vigilant and responsive to situations where someone is acting inappropriately.  Every Naturist has a role to play in enforcing good social norms and responding if someone gets out of line.  With a little leadership and the collective will of a community, it is pretty straightforward to create an environment where Rational Brains prevail, and Lizard Brains are left to sleep. 

Five, this is not about opposing sexuality (we’re all for it!) but about helping people to apply better contextual cues than clothes to de-sexualize social interactions. Great sex, close bonding relationships and babies happen when we let our Lizard Brains roam freely.  This is a good thing.  The fulfilling experience of Naturism, on the other hand, happens when we let our lizards sleep.  This is also a good thing.  It is possible to know the difference and have both rather than either/or.

Obviously, there is a long way to go.  It may take generations to achieve a world where Ethical Naturist culture is commonplace.  However, by letting the lizard sleep, supporting Naturist organizations and modeling sound Naturist behavior, we can build a foundation for the future that allows this wonderful way of living to grow.

The Benefit of Community

An Ethical Naturist life offers many gifts, but the benefit of community may be among the most enriching.  Spending time in a collective group that shares the common bond of clothes-free culture is life affirming and can greatly aid in the pursuit of a healthy mind in a healthy body with a bright spirit.  We are social animals after all, and social nudity is a truly fundamental and authentic way to relate to others.

While there are many ways to experience community (neighbors, church groups, book groups, sports, recreation and so on), Naturist communities, in our view, are special.  For the most part, Naturists are simply just a bunch of nice folks… who happen to have no clothes on.  However, the level of honesty and trust that emerges when nothing is hidden tends to promote a good-natured culture of openness and respect that is challenging to find in contemporary society.  Just about everybody in a Naturist setting lets down facades and shields they normally display in their textile lives.  A myriad of societal pressures dissipates, and people feel freer.  Consequently, there is a quality to the fellowship and friendship of a Naturist community that resonates with one’s sense of humanity in a positive way.   For many, this experience is extraordinary, and their first encounter with social nudism, particularly the naturalness and normality of it, is a revelation. 

There is also a camaraderie among Naturists in community.  This is still a minority practice that does not enjoy broad social acceptance.  Misconceptions and taboo remain, and there is enough stigma that people can suffer adverse consequences if “outed.”  So, those that do embrace this life know how great it is and enjoy being amongst brethren.  The affinity is pleasing and affirming.

As a community, Naturists are also pretty diverse.  Many clubs are made up of people from dramatically different economic classes, educational backgrounds, and political persuasions.  It is heartening to share a hot tub and laugh with an earthy liberal and an evangelical conservative getting a soak together.  The company of folks with handicaps or life scars is also present at times and enjoyed.  Stripping away the artifices of everyday society with Naturism may not overcome people’s differences but it does seem to enable a fair measure of tolerance and shared humanity. 

Consciousness of social justice issues is on the rise, and some point out that Naturist/Nudist clubs tend to be largely Caucasian and not LGBTQ oriented.  This is true.  In many cases though, this may just be a function of who shows up.  We have observed clubs and resorts as generally being welcoming to all.  It may seem radical to a radical, but it is possible to leave a lot of identity stuff in the car with one’s clothes and, for a while, to be simply naked and human with those around you.  In camp, one can be Naturist/Nudist first and other identity second.   That said, this is an evolving area, and we encourage more diverse folks to take the plunge and give community Naturism a try.

Of course, Naturist clubs and associations are by no means perfect.  Yes, there can be cliquey groups.  Yes, a few people can be jerks.  Yes, if you are shy or a single male, it can take a while to make friends or feel part of the scene.  However, time, familiarity and trustworthy behavior does pave the way into the fabric of a community.  The bottom line is that, all things considered, properly run Naturist communities can offer a functioning model of more convivial and harmonious society.  There are many problems in the world today, with issues of ethics, morality, sense of self and personal conduct.  Experiencing a positive Naturist community, even for a short while, can be uplifting and of great value.

So, find your way to a club and stay a while; become a regular if you can.  Put away the phone and computer.  Enjoy some sports, games or pleasant conversation in the pool or pond.  Walk in the woods.  Get back to Nature, and live easy in the company of a group of like-minded individuals.  It will make your life better. 

To give you a sense of what we are talking about, here are just a few links to media that in one way or other touches on community:

Also, here are links to AANR and TNS listings of the more family-friendly clubs and resorts that we favor:

Two Links Concerning History and Race

It has not been our practice to simply post links to the work of others as content for this blog.  However, two links recently appeared in the nudist group on Reddit ( that seem worthy of breaking this practice.  They are of high quality and are relevant to the values we espouse.  Without further comment, here they are:

We’ll be posting some fresh content of our own soon as some pieces are under edit now.

Wise Words by John Muir

Today is a good day to put some Nature into your Naturism.  It is Earth Day, and yesterday was John Muir’s birthday. 

Muir (1838 – 1914) is considered one of the great naturalists of all time.  He was an environmental philosopher, a strong advocate for the preservation of wilderness and is considered one of the fathers of the U.S. national park system.  Presented below is a quote that beautifully expresses the potentially deep and integrated quality with which the body can experience Nature.  Enjoy.

Naturism Can Help

Naturism has a history of helping in troubled times.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, sunbathing was found to be useful for the treatment of Tuberculosis, a lethal infectious disease, as well as other ailments. To help the suffering, sanitoriums were set up in the mountains of Europe to provide patients sun and air baths, preferably in the nude. The combination of rest, fresh air, and sunshine (with its disinfecting and vitamin D producing qualities) helped bodies to heal. Ultimately, this practice was adopted by otherwise healthy people, and a Naturheilbewegung (Nature Healing Movement) emerged in Germany, which became the foundation for the early Nudist Movement.

After World War I, much of Europe and particularly Germany was impoverished and weak. The Nudist Movement grew substantially during this time not merely as a form of recreation, but as a way to regain health. A person from that era described it as follows:

“From early childhood, my sister, brother and I were brought up by our parents among the nudists of Germany, in times when the World War was at its ending and nudism was in everybody’s mind as a possible means of overcoming the misery and suffering of the young generation during those sad days.  It was to be a methodical introduction of a new movement, derived from the traditional institutions of athletics and sports and medical scientific centers already in existence.  So, nudism was related to the imperative necessity of restoring the youth of Germany to their normal strength, rebuilding them body and mind and soul by a thoroughly healthy and simple life, including calisthenics, fresh air, sun, games and rest.” 1

While things ultimately went awry in Germany, setting in motion another world war, for a time and for a portion of their populace, the embrace of nudism was restorative in the wake of disaster.

In the United States, the initiation of the Nudist Movement is considered by many to have occurred in 1929, just a few weeks before the great stock market crash and the start of the Great Depression. 2 Despite economic hard times, or perhaps in response to them, the movement grew in numbers and enthusiasm throughout that time. The early pioneers suffered arrest, persecution, and other challenges, but they found in this pastime a physically, mentally, and morally enriching way of life and a community that offered many benefits without requiring a great deal of money.

After World War II, Nudism flourished in several countries behind the iron curtain including East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Russia, and others. Not much is documented as to why this was so, but one can imagine that the feeling of freedom Naturists experience when they shed their clothes is something that could have considerable appeal to people living under an authoritarian regime.

It is now the spring of 2020, and much of the world is beset by a harsh viral pandemic and in a state of severe economic distress. Practicing Naturism will not solve these problems. However, history shows that Naturism can be helpful in endowing its practitioners with physical health, mental comfort, and up-lifted spirits to help them endure and persevere. Judging by the chatter on social media, it does appear that many people, subject to various lock-down and work from home restrictions, are taking advantage of this opportunity to enjoy some clothesfree living. Interestingly, this seems to be the case not just with veteran Naturists but also some normally textiled folks as well. Perhaps history will repeat, and we will see a fresh pulse of interest in Naturism as Corona Lock-down Naturist Newbies rush for the sunshine when constraints get relaxed.   It would be a good thing if more enjoyed the benefits of this wholesome practice. 

1 Gertrude L. von Hausmann, “American Nudism as Seen by a German,” The Nudist, December 1933, Vol. II #10.




Naked Snacks for Thanksgiving

Your body is a blessing, flaws and all.  The gift of life is a wonder, in easy times and hard.  We are coming upon Thanksgiving, a time to be grateful, to rest and to eat, hopefully with ones we love. 

With thoughts of food and feast, here are some suggestions of things to put on the table.  We admit we are suckers for any product branded “Naked.”  These pictures are not an advertisement; we are not getting anything for this.  We are just Naturists; we like Naked.

We also endorse the messaging of these products.  They are being marketed as Naked to communicate that they are pure and natural and therefore wholesome, healthy and good.  These are core qualities of Ethical Naturism.  So, any enterprise that promotes Naked to the broader population as pure and natural, wholesome, healthy and good is on the right track as far as we are concerned. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


A Mother’s View of Nudism

The clocks have changed; leaves have fallen, and a cold front is coming through.  With a click of the gate, clubs around these parts are now closed for the season.  In this spirit, we present the following article titled “A Mother’s View of Nudism” by Arlene Frazier.  It was published in the February 1936 issue of The Nudist magazine, and it shares a mother’s end of summer reflections about her family’s life at camp.  Much like a Norman Rockwell illustration, it conveys a sense of what America was like in that simpler time, but it also captures much of what can still be experienced at a nice naturist club today.  Enjoy!

“Boy, do I wish it were May again, or that I might fly with the birds to Florida!  Such glorious summers of fresh air and sunshine have I never spent before!

However, the warm days being over and chill winds just around the corner, methinks clothes won’t be so bad – a few at least.  There are times when even a nudist can shiver!  For instance, those last few volley-ball games have been rather goose-pimplish but, after all, well worth our travel to the camp.  Who among us wants to give them up?  There is companionship, fun and jollity in a merry crowd out for a game or two before old Jack Frost is with us for good!  Of course we are nudists, but we are sensible, too, and nearly all of us have worn sweaters, shorts and shirts these last few weeks.

How it all came about you ask?  Crippled with Rheumatism several times over a period of years, my husband was told he should acquire all the sun possible.  So, in his younger days he and several others of his chums camped out mostly in the nude on one of our many secluded, wooded spots where they had access to the river for swimming.  They had a fine time.  Folks that knew about it thought they were “nuts.”  Maybe they were.  However, they enjoyed themselves, and my husband’s health improved radically.

We now have three husky youngsters, and they do love it at camp!  They have learned to swim, dive, play numerous games with others of their own age, all unhampered with clothes, and it certainly is a sight to behold our youngest, at the tender age of three, his chubby little body wrestling with a big volley-ball, and getting it over the net sometimes too!  And they are learning about nature the same as in olden times when the Greeks and Romans considered their beautiful bodies something to admire and respect, not just to be used as clothes-trees, – to be hidden away and never exposed to the exhilarating sunlight and fresh air.  Have you ever walked nude in the woods with God’s glorious sun on your body?  That is really to live, as we who have tried it know.

What is more inviting than a panful of sizzling bacon cooked on the camp stove near the open tent, or the prospect of a delicious meal eaten on the tiny porch of a bungalow overlooking the trees and fields in the distance?  And the comfort of preparing those meals can never be compared to other days and other ways, summer days when clothes in the hot kitchen were inevitable and all the cleaning-up an inescapable aftermath.  But now we have the prospect of a peaceful sunbath after dinner on our blanket, or a lazy hour in the hammock with a book or magazine!

Towards afternoon the crowd gathers on the playfield, some to indulge in deck-tennis, others in volley-ball, while here we find quite a lovely game of baseball in progress.  Doctors, lawyers, ministers, artists, teachers, one and all are youngsters again!  And the children with their see-saw, swings and wading pool are happy little gnomes enjoying nature as God intended they should – with no agonizing thought for starched dresses, or clean suits but just life in another world of mud-pies, sand trails, miniature rivers and waterfalls, for all the world like their happy Indian brothers of long ago.

Now for a shower with plenty of soap, a shower enlivened with quips and jolly laughter, many splashes and gay talk.  Then to our wonderful pool with its ever-fresh water flowing directly through at all time, built under such difficulties and therefore all the more appreciated.  Now there is a game of water-polo on and the big ball comes at you, now disappears, to come up again at some far distant point least expected.  What fun!  Have you ever tried it?  No slipping shoulder straps or tight suit to interfere with the glorious freedom – truly, how can one ever don a suit again?

“Watch this one, Ma,” and here we have our oldest demonstrating his high dive, proud of his performance – and well he may be for he practiced and learned how all by himself.  And it certainly is something to have the children learn to swim for, apart from service in the emergency of life-saving, the beneficial and health-giving qualities of swimming and its development of muscle, poise and beauty of body can never be too highly praised.

Goodbye till another time.  We leave our beautiful Eden, and the click of the gate brings to mind another workaday world.

Oh, we truly are nudists, and proud of it! 1

1 Arlene M. Frazier, “A Mother’s View of Nudism,” The Nudist, February 1936, Vol. V #2, p. 10.


ANRL Celebrates 40 Years

This September, the American Nudist Research Library had its 40th birthday.  This happens to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the start of the Nudist movement in America (September 1929).  For both ANRL and the Nudist movement these are important milestones because they demonstrate the ability to continue beyond their founders.  It is not unusual for a social movement or an organization to catch on initially but fade after its initial advocates depart.  Culture changes slowly, so many good ideas, like Nudism/Naturism, need to persist for several generations before they reach their ultimate potential.

The ANRL serves an important purpose.  The pioneers of the movement and subsequent generations produced a rich history of social change and a body of work that lays out the persuasive case for why society should embrace this healthful but unorthodox lifestyle.  Archiving these materials and making them available to a broad audience provides a legacy and a foundation for future generations to build upon.  It is an institutional memory for the movement, and it shows a measure of pride that the current generation values what has gone before.  The conservation and stewardship of the ANRL collection is thus important both for today and for posterity.

The ANRL has been an inspiration to  The idea for this blog germinated from our discovery of ANRL’s trove of early out of print books, and we return regularly to source new ideas.  Any Nudist/Naturist interested in better understanding what they are a part of should visit.  The ANRL isn’t the only such collection in the country, but it is a leading one.  Importantly, they have formed a consortium with the other major collections, which bodes well for the future.

We congratulate ANRL on 40 years and look forward to the 50th ten years from now!


The Ethical Naturism Triad

Ethical Naturism integrates three foundational principles into a holistic life philosophy:

Acceptance of self – No body is perfect; no self is without flaw.  However, the way we acknowledge our imperfections and live as our true selves can be a source of great beauty and a pathway to self-actualization.

Respect for others – No body is perfect; no self is without flaw.  However, the way we treat others and respect them as they are can be a source of great goodness and fellowship.

Harmony with Nature – We are all creatures of the earth and interconnected with the whole of creation.  Opening ourselves to Nature can awaken us to the miracle that is our life and all life.

Stéphane Deschênes, proprietor of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park, produced a nice illustration of these principles in a “Triad,” which is shown below1:



The Triad is also embodied in the International Naturist Federation’s definition of Naturism:

Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterized by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self‐respect, respect for others and for the environment.

Comment –

The Ethical Naturism Triad is about relationships: to oneself, to others and to Nature.  It is essentially an expanded version of the Golden Rule… to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.   However, it expands this rule by applying it not just to others but also to yourself and to Nature.  This seems like an obvious thing to do, but people have a way of neglecting or mistreating themselves, others, or Nature in some form or another.  So, the Triad guides one to build healthy, balanced relationships with all three (yourself, others and Nature) and by doing so improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Obviously, these principles can be instructive regardless of whether one’s clothes are on or off.  So, what does the Triad have to do with Naturism?  Well, Naturism is a tool, a way to inculcate these values into one’s life.  There is something about being socially nude with others in a well-managed Naturist setting that causes people to instinctively adopt respectful behaviors and manners.  These are innate, but the authentic and pure experience of others and the natural world has a way of releasing one from the drives, insecurities and artificially imposed conditioning of textile society.  The Naturist experience thus evokes a sense of connection and belonging that is distinctly convivial and that nurtures a beneficent culture that is not easily achieved in everyday society.  In this way, the practice of Ethical Naturism helps people to internalize the attitudes, manners and habits that promote a healthy mind in a healthy body, and this guides their conduct regardless of how they are dressed.

People engage in nudism for a variety of reasons, and no one approach is necessarily superior or righter than another.  However, the Ethical Naturist approach is attractive because, besides being just plain fun, it can inform the set of ethics one chooses to live by.  More than a century of experience has shown that, when properly practiced, Naturism is effective at helping people lead healthier and happier lives.  Who doesn’t want that?  Moreover, it is fair to imagine, that if enough people embraced Ethical Naturism, our society might perhaps become just a little bit nicer.



Dale Sneaks Into A Nudist Camp

Every nudist/naturist has a story.  The process of taking that first leap or of being a practitioner navigating cultural taboo is a journey.  Everyone who has taken this path has had challenges that brought personal growth, and the narrative of their life has been shaped by the experience. 

Today, we share one such tale found on YouTube titled Dale Sneaks into a Nudist Camp.  It concerns a young man who innately senses the essentiality and rightness of nudism to who he is.  A good-natured pastor’s son, Dale is curious and irrepressibly drawn to what he has been told is prohibited.  Forbidden knowledge is a classic temptation, and he decides to perpetrate a deception of his parents to travel secretively to a nudist camp.  His adventure is filled with trials and tribulations, but he is rewarded by the discovery of the uniquely human and convivial qualities of nudist culture.  Many readers will nod or smile when they hear aspects of his story that are common to their own experience.

Dale’s journey is not easy.  He has a series of hardships as well as nervy and awkward moments.  His initial trespassing into the camp is particularly challenging (and comical), but after 20 minutes, his eyes are opened to the normalcy of it all.  He observes that there are all kinds of bodies, and that no one is embarrassed; all are accepted.  He feels released; curiosity turns to appreciation, and he feels free and relaxed about the body.  He notices that people seem real, open, relaxed and happy, and he feels encouraged by a joyful presence of humanity that he had not experienced before.  It is an epiphany.  He committed some wrongs to get to there, but they turn out to be those painfully awkward, fully human stumbles to a moment of grace.  The taboo he broached is rendered faulty.  What he experienced is, in fact, good!  But for a sunburn, his adventure finishes all’s well that ends well… especially because his mother did not pry.  He crossed the Rubicon, and his life changed for the better.

Enjoy listening to this and reflect on your own naturist journey.  A link is provided below.

Note: If you are under-age, don’t use this video as inspiration to do something foolish.  Times have changed, and Dale took a risk.  Such a trip today could present considerable danger, and you are likely to cause problems for everybody involved.  There are safer ways to bring Naturism into your life.